Jersey's summer was drier and sunnier than usual

The weather statistics for Jersey have revealed the summer was a bit drier and sunnier than average.

Jersey Met says the overall average temperature for June, July and August was 17.8 degrees Celsius, almost equalling the 30 year average of 17.7 C.

A slightly warmer-than-usual August  - recorded at 19.1 degrees, compared to the long-term trend of 18.4 degrees - made up for the cooler start to the season.

However, meteorologists say that was mainly due to higher night-time temperatures, rather than hotter days.

The warmest day of the summer was recorded on 31 July, when it reached just shy of 30 Celsius (29.7C)

Total rainfall over the three months was down, at 122mm compared to 158mm. 

This June was the driest in ten years, but was followed by a wet July where the most rain falling on the first day of the school holidays (20 July).

Data just for August shows we had 27 more hours of sunshine than normal last month, and almost a third less rain than expected. 


In contrast, July recorded a third more rain than usual. 

READ MORE: Dull and wet July in Jersey

Almost 28mm was measured at Howard Davis Farm in Trinity on 15 July, the day the King and Queen visited the island.

Jersey, the sunniest place in the British Isles. Hundreds of people got soaked whilst braving an onslaught of rain, watching the King’s Parade.

Posted by Channel 103 on Monday, July 15, 2024

Autumn in Jersey has had a very wet start, with a month's rain recorded in one part of the island in less than 24 hours last weekend.

Read: More than a month's rain fell on Jersey in less than 24 hours

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